Anti-Knight Hyper XV Sudoku Rules
Sudoku XV is the variation of the original sudoku. Classic Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, if an X is given between two adjacent cells, the digits in those cells sum to 10. If a V is given between two adjacent cells, the digits in those cells sum to 5. If an X or V is not given, the two digits cannot sum to 5 or 10.
Anti-Knight Hyper XV Sudoku Additional Rules
Hyper Sudoku Rule:also known as Windoku, is a variation of Sudoku that adds an extra layer of challenge by introducing additional regions where the digits 1 to 9 must also be present.
Anti-Knight Sudoku all cells at a chess knight move (at a distance of 2 by 1) must hold different numbers.
Sudoku XV is the variation of the original sudoku. All adjacent cells with two digits summing to 10 are marked by X, while those summing to 5 are marked by V. The cells edges which do not contain an X or a V cannot have digits summing to 5 or 10.
Anti-Knight Hyper XV Sudoku = Anti-Knight Sudoku + Hyper Sudoku + XV Sudoku