Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku 8x8

Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku 8x8 Rules:

  • Each row, column, and 2x4 block must contain each of the digits 1 to 8 exactly once.

  • The sum of the digits in each region must match the number in its corner.

  • No digit can appear more than once in a region.

  • Anti-Knight Sudoku all cells at a chess knight move (at a distance of 2 by 1) must hold different numbers.

The 45 rule is a fundamental solving technique in Killer Sudoku that utilizes the fact that the sum of the digits in each row, column, and 3x3 block in a completed Sudoku puzzle always equals 45. This rule stems from the principle that each digit from 1 to 9 must appear exactly once in each row, column, and 3x3 block.

The 36 rule works similarly to the 45 rule in Killer Sudoku, but applies specifically to 8x8 grids. Since the sum of all digits 1 to 8 is 36, this principle can be used to make deductions and solve the puzzle.

Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku 8x8 puzzle:

Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku 8x8 puzzle

**Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku 8x8 solution: **

Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku 8x8 solution

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Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku 8x8