Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku

Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku Rules

Consecutive Sudoku: Standard Sudoku rules apply (1-9 in each row, column, and box) with the added twist of bars between some squares. These bars mean the numbers in those squares must be consecutive (differ by 1).

Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku Additional Rules:

  • Anti-Knight Sudoku all cells at a chess knight move (at a distance of 2 by 1) must hold different numbers.

  • Diagonal Sudoku Rule: Sudoku main diagonals also contain the digits 1 through 9.

Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku puzzle:

Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku puzzle

Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku solution:

Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku solution

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Anti-Knight Diagonal Consecutive Sudoku