Dissected Tapa

Dissected Tapa Rules:

  • Black cells must form a connected region. All black cells must be connected together, forming a single, unbroken shape.

  • No 2x2 area can be all black. No 2x2 square within the grid can be completely filled with black cells.

  • Clue cells with numbers indicate black cell lengths. Clue cells with numbers cannot be filled in and provide information about the length of each consecutive black cell block in the eight surrounding cells.

  • Groups of black cells must be separated by white cells. If a clue cell contains multiple digits, the groups of black cells represented by those digits must be separated by at least one white cell.

  • Question marks represent unknown black cell lengths. Question marks (?) can be used instead of clue numbers and represent any non-zero positive integer.

  • Black cells and white cells form two congruent figures. In Dissected Tapa, the black cells and the remaining white cells must form two congruent shapes. This means that the two shapes must have the same size and shape, even if they are rotated or reflected.




Dissected Tapa Solving Tips:

  1. Start with the numbered clues: Begin by filling in black cells based on the information provided by the numbered clues. Count the consecutive black cells in each direction from the clue cell and mark them accordingly.

  2. Identify isolated white cells: Look for white cells that are only adjacent to one black cell. These white cells must remain white because they cannot be part of two congruent shapes.

  3. Apply the "no 2x2 black squares" rule: Examine the arrangement of black cells and identify potential 2x2 squares that could be completely filled with black. If such a square exists, there must be a white cell within that area to prevent the violation of the rule.

  4. Handle multiple numbers in clues: When dealing with clue cells containing multiple numbers, consider the different combinations of black cell blocks that satisfy the given lengths while maintaining at least one white cell separation between them.

  5. Fill in remaining cells logically: As you fill in more black and white cells, gradually deduce the remaining ones based on the established rules and the overall shape of the congruent figures.

Dissected Tapa Solving Summary:

Dissected Tapa puzzles require careful logical reasoning and pattern recognition to determine the arrangement of black and white cells. By analyzing numbered clues, identifying isolated white cells, applying the "no 2x2 black squares" rule, and considering multiple number combinations, you can gradually fill in the grid and achieve the two congruent shapes.

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Dissected Tapa https://gridpuzzle.com/tapa-dissected